Adult and Family Ministries
Building People into Mature Believers through Intimacy with God
Adult Bible Fellowships
We believe that becoming like Jesus involves participation in a loving community. One way to enter into this type of community at Grace Bible Church is through out Adult Bible Fellowships on Sunday mornings from 9:00 to 10:00. Adult Bible Fellowships exist to connect people in smaller congregations within our larger body to help people connect, learn, care, and commit. We invite you to visit one!
Led by a gifted Bible teacher, each ABF is designed to help you grow as a believer, to help you have victory in your daily walk with the Lord, and to serve Him with your unique gifts and talents. You'll also meet friends-for-life, people with common needs, people who will encourage you, rejoice with you, and pray with you.
Building Community in the Church Between Members
Home Fellowships are an exciting ministry at Grace Bible Church. These groups are comprised with all kinds of people from all walks of life that will be meeting once a week in several different homes. This is a time to fellowship and connect with others from the church and community, where there will be discussion about life, God, and how we fit in with those elements. Contact the office or pastoral staff to find more information and to get connected with a group.