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Kids memorizing Bible verses
Kids playing games in a gym
Last update 8/17/21

It is our privilege to have your child attend. We sincerely desire this experience to be a fun time of learning and growth for your child.

The word AWANA is an acronym derived from the words Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed. This comes from Scripture in II Timothy 2:15 which states, "Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."

Each weekly club meeting is composed of three main elements. Your child will enjoy the active, but safe AWANA games in Game Time. These are uniquely created around the AWANA game circle. During Handbook Time, a trained adult leader works with a small group of clubbers, assisting them in progressing through their club handbooks. Council Time is a time of singing, sharing together, and listening to Bible stories and devotional messages prepared and presented by exemplary speakers.

You have a critical part in all of this. In order for your child to get the most out of the AWANA program, your partnership with us is essential. Please support your child's interest in the program by helping with memorization and encouraging enthusiasm about AWANA.                               

You have an open invitation to visit our club any time and please, feel free to call the AWANA Commander or your child's club director if you have any questions.

Reach through the church office:  360-876-3200

More information:

Go to AWANA Costs page

Go to AWANA's Rules page

Go to the AWANA Handbooks page

Go to the AWANA Winter Weather page

Go to the AWANA Awards page

Go to the AWANA Events page

Learn about AWANA Puget Sound Camp

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