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To insure a safe and orderly club meeting, the following rules have been established:


  • Clubbers are to remain with their leaders at all times.

  • Clubbers are not to bring valuable belongings to club. If your daughter brings a purse, encourage her to not leave it unattended.

  • Gum chewing and eating candy are not allowed without permission (younger clubbers).

  • Clubbers will walk through hallways and common areas at all times.

  • Climbing on furniture and/or pews is not allowed.

  • As a matter of common courtesy, clubbers will show respect for all adult staff and for one another.

  • With the exception of Cubbies, in the event a clubber is consistently misbehaving, disrespectful, or disruptive, the "3-count" will be administered. (See the section on the 3-count directly below)


You can help us to maintain a safe and orderly program by doing the following:

  • Instruct your child to check-in at their own club's secretary table.

  • Cubbies will not be allowed to leave their area without a parent.

  • Drive carefully in the parking lot as you come and go each week. There are up to 200 children loading and unloading for AWANA.

Thank you for your help in these matters. We believe that together, we can provide a quality program for your child where learning and growing will be fun and rewarding.






(For Sparks, T & T)

  • The Leader gives the clubber "one" for disruptive behavior.

  • The Leader gives the clubber "two" if behavior continues. The Club Director intervenes to allow the clubber an opportunity to explain his or her actions and to remind the clubber of the consequences of receiving a "three." The clubber is taken to the "Guidance Center," where he or she spends the remainder of the club meeting. In the Guidance Center, he or she receives individual attention from the Commander, working together on the clubber's next handbook section.

  • In the event a clubber receives a "three" for continued misbehavior in the Guidance Center, his or her parents will be called and asked to pick up their son or daughter immediately. If the parent cannot be reached, the Club Director will speak with them after club or by telephone as soon as possible.

  • Any clubber dismissed from club with a "3-count" will not be allowed to return to club until the second meeting after the dismissal.

  • Any clubber dismissed from club with a second "3-count" will not be allowed to return to club until the third meeting after the dismissal.

  • Any clubber with a third infraction will be dismissed for the remainder of the club year.

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